Welcome to Hotel "A. HAKOBYAN"

Hotel "A. Hakobyan" is located at the center of Vanadzor Town, Lori Region.

The comfortable hotel offers its modern numbers that are very comfortably furnished and designed for your exceptional rest and stay in Vanadzor Town.

The hotel numbers have color TV, telephone connection, Internet and facsimile services. The intercity telephone connection is made possible by the "Express-Line" service.

The numbers have refrigerators that enable the guests to make their personal choice in food selection.

The hotel has a Car Parking Space and one day costs 300 Armenian Drams.

Hotel "A. Hakobyan" has 1 "Luxury" and 2 "Semi-Luxury" numbers. "Luxury" number of the hotel is located in a separate building. It consists of guest-room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. The number has colorful TV, telephone, refrigerator, hair drier, etc.

The hotel provides free of charge:
  • A bottle of mineral water
  • Juice or coca-cola
  • Tea
  • Coffee

Payment Type - All payments are done in Armenian Drams equal to USD.

Restaurant - For lunch and dinner the hotel administration accepts reservations in advance.

Address: Kourghinian Str., 1A, c. Vanadzor, 377200, Lori Region, RA
Tel:     +374 (51) 2-08-50, +374 (51) 4-08-50

A. Hakobyan A. Hakobyan A. Hakobyan A. Hakobyan
A. Hakobyan A. Hakobyan A. Hakobyan A. Hakobyan
A. Hakobyan A. Hakobyan A. Hakobyan A. Hakobyan

Rack Rates
FloorRoom #DescriptionNumber of RoomsNumber of BedsHot Water SupplyPrice
11Luxury22/for two personsYes27$
12Semi-Luxury1 2/for two personsYes17$
13Semi-Luxury1 2/for two personsYes17$
