Free Shell Accounts




Server: NetBSD on DEC Alpha 5305, T1
Services: email, pop3, micq, ftp, personal webspace (quota: 20Mb)


Server: SunOS, 64k ISDN
Services: email, lynx, personal webspace, compile C programs...
(quota: 1Mb)


Server: ???
Services: email, ftp, telnet, lynx, personal webspace of 100K


Server: FreeBSD
Services: email, pop3, lynx, personal webspace, compile C programs (quota: 500kb)


Server: RHS Linux, T1
Services: email, web mail, pop3, imap4, lynx, personal webspace with cgi, irc (quota: 2Mb)

Free.Net.Pl (Polish server)

Server: Linux
Services: mail, pop3, lynx, ssh, irc,BitchX,ftp,web space, telnet,gcc and perl (quota:10MB) (Polish server)

Server: ???
Services:email,pop3,ssh,irc,ftp,web space (quota: 1Mb)

Server: Linux
Services: pop3/web email, webspace, the complete set of UNIX/Gnu tools, quota: 2Mb


Server: Linux
Services: email, pop3, micq, ftp, personal webspace with cgi, ssi, eggdrop (quota: 10Mb)


Server: Linux
Services: Email, Webspace, subdomain if requested, web-based MessageBoard...
(quota: 20Mb)


Server: Linux, FreeBSD, VAX (OpenVMS operating system)
Services: Email, pop3, irc, ftp, eggdrop... cool place on different operating systems!

Server: Linux
Services: Homepage with PHP4, CGI-BIN, MySQL, mail (Pop3/SMTP), 1 BG process, e.g : Bot, BitchX epic etc..
NO psyBNC's! Access to IPv6 Vhosts... (quota: 5Mb)

Public Linux

Server: Linux
Services: telnet, rlogin, finger, whois, lynx, ssh, ftp, irc, C, C++, Perl (quota: 10 Mb)

VMS box!

Server: OpenVMS
Services: Free, but only a limited number of accounts will be granted. Standard access via Telnet or SSH. Mail handling via VMS MAIL or POP3/SMTP. Web space with scripting support. Access to Perl and C for programming.


Server: Linux
Services: pop3,pop2,imap,smtp,ftp,irc,mail,mail->SMS,compiliers, NO quota for now...

Server: Linux
Services: Access via ssh, scp, ftp, pop3; basic and full shell access, domain hosting and/or seconding, mailing lists.


Free Shell accounts (ssh)
Free Email addresses (POP3/IMAPS) - webmail,mailing lists
Programing languages (C,C++,Perl,Python ...)
Web hosting with php4 mysql & postgresql
Domain hosting
Domain registration
Primary et secondary name servers

Connection: 56kbps dial up on 24 hours, 7 days a week
OS: Debian GNU/Linux 3.0; Linux 2.4.17
Services: email (IMAP & SMTP & webmail), web space, ftp
space, full set of standard Unix utilities, web access, bash
Access via SSHv2 or FTP

OS: Linux

All signups are verified for authenticity and then the accounts are added. Generally an average signup will be completed within 10 min but can take up to 24 hours.

Server: Free/OpenBSD
Services: Email Address (Mail, Pine and Mutt are installed), Virtual Webspace (http://site/~yourusername), IRC facilities, No Background Processes (Other than a single BitchX screen), 10MB Disk Quota

Server: FreeBSD 4.6
Services: Every shell account includes access to Compilers (gcc, cc, etc.), IRC (BitchX & irssi), E-mail (Webmail & Pine), Usenet News (Tin), MUDs (via Telnet), A basic shell (bash), Eggdrops, BNCs, 5MB of space, and much much more!

Server: OpenVMS on VAX/Alpha
Services: IRC usage is allowed but no bots/relays/etc.

Server: Debian Linux 3.0 on Pentium III 550 Mhz, Connection: DSL (768kbit / 128kbit) / VaxStation running OpenVMS
Services: Un-restricted shell access, gcc, screen, mc, mutt, BitchX, Web Hosting, Background Processes, no general home-dir quota; But file-size is restricted to 12 MB max, one MySQL db per default and a VaxStation to the LAN for OpenVMS experience to the users :)

Server: SunOS, Linux, IRIX
Services: email, web space...

Server: FreeBSD
Services: Telnet/SSH/FTP access to the server, Online user control panel, E-mail account (Accessable via Shell/POP3/IMAP & WebMail), CGI-BIN/Perl/Python Scripting, PHP Scripting, 1 MySQL Database (available on request), BitchX, Local IRC server...
(quota: 10Mb)

Server: ???
Services: ???

Server: Debian Linux
Services: Login Method: SSH only, Connection: dsl, IRC Access, Background Proccesses Allowed. E-mail to get an account. Users have access to a browser (links), scanners (nmap and whisker), netcat, compilers (gcc/g++, perl, tcl, brainfuck), BitchX, and more.

Server: Linux
Services: email, homepage, complete access to GNU tools, IRC is not allowed, No bots, no bouncers or proxes, only SSH connections.

Server: Mandrake 9.1 on dual PII 266 with 384 megs of ram
Services: BitchX, Lynx, Eggdrop, Bnc. Donations Welcome. Subscribe by applying online at WWW. 2 process limit, quota: 50Mb

Server: Linux
Services: IPv6, PHP, MySQL, personal subdomain, gcc, IRC access with eggdrop, BitchX, e-mech, one background processes allowed (quota: 10Mb)

Server: FreeBSD 4.7
Services: ???

Server: ???
Services: ???

Server: FreeBSD
Services: ???

Server: OpenBSD
Services/Info: SMTP, SSH, FTP, SFTP, POP3, HTTP, IRC and much more.
(quota: 25 Mb)

Server: ???
Services/Info: No irc, Quota: 6Mb (shared between mail and web)

Server: Linux
Services/Info: Webmail, MySQL, PHP, 1 eggdrop...
(quota: 10 Mb)

Server: Mandrake Linux
Services/Info: ???

Server: OpenBSD
Services/Info: www hosting, shell, irc, mail, (50MB for your home and 50MB for your website).

Server: FreeBSD
Services/Info: mail, webspace, perl...
(quota 12Mb)

Server: FreeBSD 4.7-patch23, 2Mb line
Services/Info: Shell Access for educational compiler purpose gcc or perl, Free email, unlimited email quota

Server: FreeBSD
Services/Info: Offers free ipv6 shells running on FreeBSD systems. Up to max 4 bg procs and 50mb hard drive space. Eggdrop and bnc, no shoutcasts or ircds. Irc is ipv6 only.

Server: Linux
Services/Info: SSH connection to a Linux host, an e-mail address (pop3 or webmail), 3 Mbytes of disk quota, a homepage like

Server: Linux
Services/Info: A small dev orientated shell host.

Server: Linux/RedHat, Linux/Debian, OpenVMS/Alpha, OpenVMS/VAX, Solaris, Ultrix, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, HPUX, AIX
Services/Info: is non commercial, educative effort for popularization of shell enabled operating systems and Internet services, offering shell accounts and other services on all available systems.



fREE!!! fREE!!!ShEllS!!ShEllS!! fREE!!! fREE!!!

Last updated 03/22/98

Here you may find free shell accounts, I need more such providers. If you know any just email me

Please, dont hack it, dont do anything illegal. This hosts are FREE (just free!!). Want to hack and get $13,000 just go hack MAC web server

FREE shell accounts providers list:        -down-           -updated-
Fee: FREE, donations encouraged  ($5 to run an eggbot)
Payment Method: cash, check, money order
Possibility to order online: yes
Initial HD space: 5MB
Additional HD space: $1 = +1mb
Internet Connection: T1
Software/service available: ircii, tcl, gcc, ncftp, screen, web page, email, etc..
OS: Linux 
Computer: P90, 64MB ram, 7.6GB hd
First Appeared: 10-22-1997
Last Updated: 03-22-1998

Cyber Disaster has been closed.

Fee: Voluntary donation
Initial HD space: minimal
Internet Connection: a tiny 33.6 kbps modem link.
Software/service available: PicoSpan and Backtalk, lynx
OS: Sun OS 4.1.3
Comments: Grex is a public-access conferencing system, run by its users. It's a tiny advertising-free space on the net where you can find good conversations and a friendly user community. NO IRC, NO BOTS! To join Grex just 
telnet:// as newuser
Last Updated: 08-26-1997
Fee: fREE
Possibility to order online: go irc server , /join #Dishboy
Initial HD space: 5MB soft / 7MB hard limit
Additional HD space: Donating members only
Internet Connection: 14.4 Modem to radix.nets DS3 PoP in OxonHill, MD, then to digex/cais
Software/service available: irc (EPIC4), gcc/cc, perl, ncftp, web page, email account, majordomo (list server), pub ftp
OS: Linux Slackware 3.4, kernel release 2.0.32
Computer: 486DX4/80MHZ, 16megs RAM, 1.2 gig IDE HD
Comments: This system needs donations bad!! Donating members have their Quotas removed and may run more intensize processes i.e. bots/ircd's>
First appeared: 12-18-1997
Last updated: 02-12-1998

Fee: None. (Pending individual approval)
Possibility to order online: web page signup form.
Initial HD space: 5MB
Additional HD space: $1 - 1MB
Internet Connection:Cablemodem. 750kbps upstream, 10Mbps downstream.
Dialup: n/a
Software/service available: web, cgi, email, MUD, BitchX, Lynx etc
OS: Slackware Linux 2.0.30 ELF
Computer: Griffin (main): P60, 1GB HD, 24MB RAM. red5 (monitoring system): P120, 1GB HD, 8MB RAM.
no more accounts
First appeared: 10-06-1997
Last updated: 01-19-1998 closed.  closed
Initial HD space: 300Kb
Additional HD space: N/A
Internet Connection: T1
Software/service : web page, email account, tcl
Comments: You need to be validated to use the system.
Last Updated: 08-26-1997       -closed-
First appeared: 07-09-1997
Last updated: 03-09-1998
Fee: refer to
Payment Method: Visa, Mastercard, Bankcard, cheques, etc
Possibility to order online: yes
Initial HD space: 5MB
Additional HD space: unlimited-ish when a sponsor
Internet Connection: BRI (64k), 1 hops to backbone
Software/service available: ircII, gcc, ncftp, web page, email account, etc
OS: Linux
Comments: $10/month, unless you live in Sydney Australia, or good reason given. NO IRCBOTS, NO IRCSERVERS.
First appeared: 07-28-1997
Last Updated: 12-18-1997 
Fee: Free; donations are accepted and encouraged.
Possibility to order online:  no
Initial HD space: ??
Additional HD space: NA
Internet Connection: cablemodem 512k DL/64 UL (2 hops to backbone)
Software/service available: ??
OS: Slackware Linux 3.2
Computer: AMDK6-233, 24M ram 3G HD
Comments: Account will be opened if you has a good reason to want one.
First appeared: 02-11-98
None.. donations requested.
Initial HD space: 5Mb (unregulated!)
Additional HD space: on request, case by case basis
Internet Connection: T1, 4 hops to backbone
Software/service: ircii, tcl, gcc, ncftp, webpage, email
OS: Linux Redhat 4.2
Comments: NO bots of any kind unless a donation is made, NO screen. This host is former transient.
Last Updated: 09-02-1997           -new-
Possibility to order online: ??
Initial HD Space: 6 MB
Additional HD Space: n/a
Internet Connection: 33.6 k modem
Software/service available: BitchX , gcc , tcl , perl , email account , web page
OS: Linux Slackware 3.4 , 2.0.30 Kernel
Computer: 486DX2-80 , 16 MB RAM , 540 MB HD
First appeared: 03-01-1998

The Vexation Organization
Fee: Free
Possibility to order online:
Initial HD space: 5MB
Additional HD space: 5MB on user request
Internet Connection: 56k
Software/service available: irc, BitchX, tcl, gcc, ncftp, web page, email account, screen
OS: Linux RedHat 4.2
Computer: 486dx4-100/64m ram
First appeared: 01-15-1998
Last updated: 01-19-1998
Free (donations accepted)
Initial HD space: 4MB
Additional HD space: NOT AVALABLE
Internet Connection: Dual B ISDN (128k)
Software/service available: ircii, tcl, gcc, perl, lots more
OS: NetBSD 1.2G
Computer: Sparcstation 10 dual Supersparc, 320MB RAM 9.2G hd, Sparcstation 20 (dual supersparc)
no more accounts accepted!
First appeared: 12-12-1997
Last updated: 01-08-1998



Herein are collected links to providers offering free shell account access on the net. Information about their connection, disk/usage limits and overall comments are provided where known. These Unix systems will require you to use the telnet protocol to connect to them; if you don't have a good telnet installed on your system, you can probably download a better replacement for free; see the list at the right for some suggestions. If you have updates to this list or know of any other providers of free shells out there, let me know.



Free Shell Providers (also known as Grex)
One of the oldest free shell providers. Volunteer run. 1MB quota, limit of 75 logins at a time. Additional users must queue up to get on when the limit is reached. Running on scavenged Sun hardware. Grex doesn't allow bots. Don't even bother downloading stuff like Eggdrop, BitchX, psybnc, etc. since Grex has filters that won't let them run, and the admins will chase down the files and remove them.
$ telnet
Reliable free shell provider running on NetBSD. Generally good connectivity and a decent connection.
$ telnet
Run by volunteers. Good connection, reliable. Only restricted shells available.
$ telnet

Old-time public access Unix system. Requires an annoying validation process to get to full system services.
$ telnet
VMS based free shell system.
$ telnet
Freenet system with shell access and a bbs.
$ telnet
Linux shell accounts.
$ telnet
Access to telnet, ftp, ssh, irc, lynx and most other standard programs.
$ telnet
Reasonable free shell service, somewhat limited command set. Sister service to, a commercial shell provider.
$ telnet
Public access unix system offering shell accounts, IMAP Email, web hosting. Web registration.
$ telnet
Shell, 2MB quota, standard tools, no IRC due to ddos attacks. Web registration.
$ telnet
No telnet access, only ssh.
$ telnet

No telnet access apparently.
$ telnet X
Public access Unix system in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Goes through alternating periods of acceptance of new users, and service for existing users only. Currently as of this writing accepting new users again.
$ telnet X
"We have come to the conclusion that Hobbiton cannot continue to exist anymore. We have found that our ISP is too unreliable, and a more reliable ISP is far too expensive. In addition to ISP trouble, we have faced hardware trouble. Hobbiton is closing all of our services November 1, 2001."
$ telnet

Freeport BBS X
"This system is only accepting new account requests from approved parties. If you want a free UNIX shell, please try, or Sorry for the inconvenience."
$ telnet X
Instant signup, system is in Germany.
$ telnet X
Appears to be non-operational. Teaser page but signups are never processed, and no sign of any free shell activity on the system.
$ telnet

More free shells: another good free shell provider listing

Shell access for the blind resources





Last updated: 2003-05-16

Hardware: Pentium 3 with 256 MB of SDRAM and 30 GB of HDD space.
Operating system: Slackware Linux.
Quota: 5 MB.
Internet connection: 1 Mbps.
Services/programs: Own homepage with PHP4, cgi-bin, MySQL. Own mail (Pop3/SMTP). Bot, BitchX, epic etc.. NO psyBNC's! Access to IPv6 Vhosts. Pine / Pico / Jed / joe.
IRC access: Yes, to
Background processes allowed: Yes, 1.
Other info: We currently have two main free servers constantly updating with new hardware.



Last updated: 2003-09-25

Operating system: FreeBSD.
IRC access: Yes.
Background processes allowed: Yes, but not psybnc nor eggdrops.
Other info: All processes are logged. If you break some rules, you get deleted.


Celuloza Inc.  

Last updated: 2003-11-03

Hardware: AMD-K6 II 500Mhz
Operating system: RedHat Linux
Quota: 3 MB.
IRC access: No.
Background processes allowed: Yes.



Last updated: 2003-07-04

Hardware: AMD-K6 200 MHz
Operating system: Debian GNU/Linux 3.0
Quota: 5MB but you can request more if you have a good reason.
Internet connection: ADSL.
Services/programs: Mail, Web Hosting, PHP, Mysql, Telnet/FTP Access, Software Development : C/C++
IRC access: Yes.
Background processes allowed: Yes, but they won't survive logout ; so don't try to run eggdrops.
Other info: Donations welcome. The native language of this service is French.


Cyberunners - Natural born free shells  

Last updated: 2003-09-24

Hardware: Pentium 450 MHz w/ 384 MB RAM; Pentium 100 MHz w/ 64 MB RAM.
Operating system: Linux.
Quota: 4 MB.
Internet connection: ADSL 512kbit down/256kbit up.
Services/programs: Eggdrop, Tcl, BitchX, Irssi, Ipv6, Vhosts, WebSite+PHP, ssh, lynx
IRC access: Yes, BitchX, irssi, eggdrop.
Background processes allowed: Yes, 1.
Other info: You should sign up for a basic account first. Then post three articles about what you are really interested in. Then you'll get your full account. This is related to the spirit of cyberunners community. Just publish an article, a tutorial, any tips on something you like. You are interested in DivX? Post something on DivX. Are you interested in movies? Just post something on movies, like a review. In this way you provide something could be interesting for other Cyberunners.


Darkwired Technical Facility  

Last updated: 2003-08-04

Hardware: Pentium MMX 225 MHz.
Operating system: OpenBSD.
Internet connection: 3 Mbps.
Services/programs: Standard binutils, compilers, PHP, perl and more.
Other info: Free UNIX shells for all that want to experience UNIX environments.


DeathRow OpenVMS Cluster 

Last updated: 2002-08-27

Hardware: AlphaStation 600 5/333 (256 Meg of RAM), MicroVAX 3100/80, and a VAXStation 3100: all operating as an OpenVMS Cluster.
Operating system: OpenVMS 7.2-1
Quota: 20 MB.
Internet connection: Dual DS1/T1s.
Services/programs: Full access to the OpenVMS DCL prompt on either VAXen (32 bit) or Alpha (64 bit) hardware. Check out
the homepage for more information.
IRC access: Yes.
Background processes allowed: Yes - but no bots/relays.


Digital Paradox 

Last updated: 2003-11-03

Other info: Have fun...As long as you aren't damaging my server, or others, and you aren't running a bot, and you aren't sending outgoing requests, do what you want. :)



Last updated: 1999-08-02

Operating system: Linux.
Quota: 2 MB.
Internet connection: T1.
Services/programs: Features of the free accounts include: Free IMAP Email ( Email forwarding. Our online help system. Local Bulletin Boards. Mailing Lists on Bulletin Boards. Access to the World Wide Web via Lynx. Inbound FTP. Netscape Roaming Access. Secure Shell (SSH). WebMail. Personal Webpage (SSI, CGI, subdirectories, and no pop-up ads, ever!). NOTE: Bots are NOT allowed on free accounts.
IRC access: Yes, but only available to subscribers.
Background processes allowed: Yes, but won't survive logout.
Other info: Free accounts are offered at no cost to qualifying persons. To qualify you need to write a short essay (approximatly 100 words) describing why you would like access to this system. The content will not be used as a basis to grant or deny access (unless you tell us your going to so something illegal), but rather helps us determine how people will be using the system so we can get an idea of what types of features we should add in the future.


Free MUD Hosting 

Last updated: 2003-05-28

Hardware: AMD Athlon XP 2000, 1 GB RAM, 75 GB IDE+SCSI HDD
Operating system: Linux RedHat 8.0
Quota: As much as you need, within reason
Internet connection: 10 Mbit
Services/programs: SSH, SFTP, Apache with PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, compilers, debuggers, editors...the usual.
IRC access: Yes.
Background processes allowed: Yes.
Other info: Only hosting MUDs and MUD related websites.



Last updated: 2003-07-04

Hardware: Intel Pentium Celeron 400 MHz with 128MB RAM and 8 GB hard disk space.
Operating system: Slackware
Quota: 20 MB for /home, more quota can be requested if needed for a good reason.
Internet connection: Cable (1.5 mbps down/ 256 mbps up).
Services/programs: Connect via SSH only. A personal web page (including PHP, SSI/CGI if needed) POP3, access to Pine, elm, Lynx, BX, IRCII, Micq, emacs, crontab, compilers... etc.
IRC access: Yes!
Background processes allowed: Yes, 4. (Bots, BNC are OK, but no high load processes)
Other info: Help is always available via email or irc.
Admins will always help.


Gigapikseli Network  

Last updated: 2003-09-24

Hardware: - 300 MHz P2, 196 MB RAM. - 400 MHz P2, 768 MB RAM.
Operating system: Debian / Red Hat Linux.
Quota: 15 MB.
Services/programs: Links, Lynx, Irssi Xchat-Text, BitchX, Nano/Pico, Joe, Vi, Wget, FTP, SSH.
IRC access: Yes.
Background processes allowed: Yes, max 2 processes. Eggdrop / PsyBNC installed.



Last updated: 2003-07-13

Hardware: Sun SPARCserver 4/670MP
Operating system: SunOS 4.x
Quota: 1 MB.
Internet connection: 144Kbit DSL.
Services/programs: Various shells like bash, csh, tcsh. A BBS and a party chat room for everyone.
IRC access: Yes, but for paying members only.
Background processes allowed: No.
Other info: No IRC, FTP, or telnet except for paying members. You can access usenet using lynx and going to



Last updated: 2003-09-24

Operating system: Linux.
Services/programs: BitchX, telnet, traceroute, SSH, mutt, python, perl, nmap, lynx, telnet-SSL
IRC access: Yes.
Other info: You may sign up for an account by SSH-ing and then logging in as request, with a password as request. This will start a script which will ask you a few questions, such as your desired password, etc. Then, after about 24 hours, you may login to your new account (account activation is sent via your email address).


HP Test Drive  

Last updated: 2002-11-26

Hardware: A lot of Alpha, x86, and Itanium servers and workstations. Check the homepage for detailed information.
Operating system: Debian Linux, FreeBSD, HP-UX, Intimate Linux, Mandrake Linux, NetBSD, OpenBSD, OpenVMS, Red Hat Linux, Red Hat Linux Advanced Server, Slackware Linux, SuSE Linux, Turbolinux, Tru64 Unix, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Windows 2000 Datacenter.
Quota: Differs.
Internet connection: Unknown, but definetely a good one.
IRC access: No.
Background processes allowed: Probably.
Other info: The Test Drive Program is a free service of HP. Its main purpose is to provide developers with access to new HP hardware running various HP and third party operating systems and applications. When you register, you get a free shell account you can use to log into the wide variety of systems on our Test Drive network and try out the software and operating systems running on them. We have our firewall set up to only allow incoming connections on specific ports. Attempts to connect to outside hosts will not work because of this.



Last updated: 2003-07-21

Hardware: AMD K6-380 MHz with 512 MB of RAM and 20 GB of hard disk space.
Operating system: RedHat Linux 7.1
Quota: No, but please keep your data under 50 MB.
Internet connection: ADSL 512 Kbit down/256 Kbit up.
Services/programs: SSH/Telnet/FTP, Webspace with PHP/Perl, 1x MySQL Database on request, Local IRC Server, 1x e-mail address with POP3/IMAP/Webmail access, Lynx, BitchX, No pop-ups or ads! Development Tools (C/C++) and more!
IRC access: Yes.
Background processes allowed: No - If you wish to run one, please contact the Sysadmin.
Other info: This is a hobbiest site, so you must abide by the ISPs Terms & Conditions and AUP (Acceptable Usage Policy). FreeShell 

Last updated: 2003-09-09

Hardware: P2.4, 2 GB RAM.
Operating system: Linux.
Quota: No hard limit.
Internet connection: 100Mb multi-homed.
Services/programs: GCC/PHP/MySQL
IRC access: No.
Background processes allowed: Yes.



Last updated: 2003-02-19

Hardware: Pentium III 733 MHz with 1 GB of RAM.
Operating system: Debian Linux.
Quota: 50 MB.
Internet connection: 1 Mbps
Services/programs: PHP, MySQL, Apache, POP, SMTP, BitchX, etc.
IRC access: Yes.
Background processes allowed: Yes, 2. 

Last updated: 2003-09-24

Hardware: Orion: Pentium II 450MHz, 600Mb RAM, 12gb hdd (Currently we only have one server due to ddos attacks on our servers)
Operating system: Orion: FreeBSD 5.1-Release-p2
Quota: No disk quota. (This doesn't mean you can upload warez. Stick to your egg/psy only)
Internet connection: Orion: 2mbit/640Kbps
Services/programs: Mail, SSH Login, irc clients (bx, irssi, epic), software development (perl, tcl, python) EGGDROPS (NO EMECH ETC), psybns, your OWN ipv6 address, pine/pico and lots more (if you want more programs feel free to contact the admin ;D )
IRC access: Yes.
Background processes allowed: Yes, 1.
Other info: Donations are welcome :) We are building up our network and hope to regain our other servers :D Hopefully more bg's, space, speed will come soon. We ONLY ACCEPT ISP (internet provider) MAIL! No hotmail/yahoo etc. that will be rejected.


Linux Box South Africa 

Last updated: 2002-09-12

Operating system: Linux and FreeBSD.
Services/programs: is a site for Linux and FreeBSD Users alike. LinuxBox S.A is South Africa's fastest growing online OpenSource community, joining LinuxBox will give you the tools you need to develop your personal Linux/OpenSource projects. We have documentation on all areas and software for all platforms in all area\'s. The Members consits of individuals who use Linux and FreeBSD in all fields for different purposes.
IRC access: No.
Background processes allowed: No.
Other info: Please note that free accounts are totally functional but do not have utilities like, screen, bnc, eggdrops etc. available - to apply for an almost unrestricted account please contact us.


Linux Community Development System (IBM)  

Last updated: 2002-06-04

Hardware: IBM 9672 G6 Model ZX7 (10 way processor) with 32GB of memory and 2.1 TB of HD space.
Operating system: Linux.
Internet connection: Details unknown, but definetely a good one.
Services/programs: See
webpage for details.
IRC access: Probably not.
Background processes allowed: Probably.
Other info: You will get access to Linux on S/390 environment for the purpose of developing, porting and/or test driving your products or applications on this platform.


Linux NetBox 

Last updated: 2003-09-09

Hardware: AMD Athlon 700 MHz, 20 GB hard disk, 256 MB of RAM
Operating system: SuSE Linux.
Quota: 10 MB. More space is available.
Internet connection: DSL. With an upgrade in the future...
Services/programs: All things u want ! WebMail access. Support via board...
IRC access: Yes. With BitchX and IPv6 support.
Background processes allowed: 1 Eggdrop process... No PsyBNC at the moment...
Other info: IPv6 vHosts are available over the system for the irc access and bot.


Liquid Magnesium Networks  

Last updated: 2003-02-19

Hardware: Pentium II 400 MHz with 512 MB of RAM and 18 GB of hard disk space.
Operating system: FreeBSD 4.x-STABLE
IRC access: Yes.
Background processes allowed: Probably yes, but no bots/bnc.
Other info: Liquid Magnesium Networks (LMN) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing a means by which interested individuals can both develop new skills, and, have a development platform on which to deploy new programs and ideas. The main goal of LMN is to provide an environment where both experienced and inexperienced users can hone their Unix skills at no cost. LMN gives out shell accounts to people that show an extraordinary passion in learning more about Unix and related topics. LMN provides its users with the tools to develop whatever projects their minds can create.



Last updated: 1999-06-26

Operating system: FreeBSD.
Quota: 1 MB
Services/programs: M-net offers over 125 different conference areas, real-time chat rooms, common UNIX utilities such as compilers, E-Mail, a homepage, and WWW access via lynx all for free. Users who want further access to Internet services such as telnet, ftp, and IRC are charged a modest fee, and also get the benefit of becoming an m-net patron or member.
IRC access: Yes, but only for paying/donating users.
Background processes allowed: No.
Other info: Telnet to and login as newuser.


MARWAY Information Systems 

Last updated: 2003-09-24

Operating system: SunOS 4.1.4
Internet connection: 384 kbps.
Services/programs: Compiler, crontab, http.
IRC access: Yes.
Background processes allowed: No.
Other info: Try a TELNET-Session to [] -- UNIX login: new 

Last updated: 2003-09-24

Operating system: OpenBSD.
Quota: 25 MB / 500 files at first, but after a few months of 'good behavior' the user is able to request higher system priveledges and more disk space.
Services/programs: Metawire is dedicated to hosting free e-mail accounts, powerful webhosting options so you can get a customized, banner free website. We also give you full access to every standard unix feature, browsers such as lynx and links, IRC, compilers (gcc, g++), PERL, vi, pico, and anything you can think to compile.
IRC access: Yes.
Background processes allowed: None at first, but after a few months of 'good behavior' the user is able to request higher system priveledges and more disk space.



Last updated: 2003-09-24

Hardware: i686 User Mode Linux running on a colo server: The colo server has the following specs: Dual 2.66GHZ Intel Xenon Processor, 533MHz Front Side bus, with 3GB interleaved drr PC2100 RAM and 2 Maxtor 200GB 7200RPM hard drives with an ATA-133 8MB cache. The moonlightglade server can use the following stakes of its UML host: 64MHz CPU, a 2G disk, and 64MB of memory.
Operating system: Redhat Linux 9.0, patched. Possibly moving to gentoo or debian in future, but this is only speculation at this point.
Quota: Free quotas range between 1MB and 50MB, depending on the TOS given to the account holder. Each user gets an individual quota setup based on what they enter on their application form.
Internet connection: Approximately 1MB/sec, depending on the time of day.
Services/programs: FREE to all: ssh, ftp, webspace at FREE, but depending on the assessment of your application form: ability to run: bots, proxies, and service/server type programs. Serving an existing domain name's website from's apache webserver via the use of vhosts. mysql databases. email referrers and outgoing mail. (incoming mail planned but not currently avalible) PAID ONLY: irc servers, irc services, anything that requires your own dedicated IP address. Higher quotas (higher then 50MB disk, 3-4gigs transfer a month, 5MB memory, reasonable CPU time, and 1-3 background processes). Programs have been installed upon request of users who ask.
IRC access: BNCs are permitted. Eggdrops are permitted. IRC servers/irc services are permitted only if the account holder pays a small sum of money monthly. bncing is preferred over running irc clients on the shell via ssh.
Background processes allowed: Yes. Typically, there is a limit of 1, 3 or 5 background processes, depending on the type of account, and the resource usage of these background processes. Two bots take up much less resources then an irc server, for example.
Other info: The system is a private server, that runs as a linux platform under UML linux running on a co-located server at's texas datacentre. The colo machine runs a UML linux distro which is provided by The server is a mini dedicated server, or a virtual dedicated server, running under this UML. It is effectively a miniserver running on a much more powerful host server in a colo datacentre. As a result MLG benifits from things like RAID and max CPU usage of Dual 2.66GHz Xeon chips, for example, but don't expect anymore then a 5-50MB disk quota, 1-3 background processes, and a few gigs of data transfer a month. The system administrator personally reviews applications from users requesting an account. His basic TOS is at, and you should visit to apply for an account with him. In order to get an account here you will have to supply a valid REAL name *and* phone number which will be checked, and you will recieve a phone call from the sysadmin (even if international) to check your details and confirm your identity prior to him enabling your account. Plans for accounts are done on an individual basis, quotas given here are only an average. If you apply to run eggdrops on the server and no website, it is likely that you won't get webspace, for example. Each account is tailored to the applicant via details submitted on the application form.



Last updated: 2003-07-04

Hardware: Intel Pentium 4 2,5GHz with 2 GB of RAM.
Operating system: FreeBSD.
Quota: 100 MB.
Internet connection: 1 Mbps.
Services/programs: PHP4, cgi-bin, MySQL, mail, eggdrop, bouncer, BitchX.
IRC access: Yes.
Background processes allowed: Yes, 3.
Other info: Needs one-time 5$ donation to get an account.



Last updated: 2003-11-03

Hardware: Main: Pentium 3 - 550 MHz --- access to a VaxStation 4000/60 running OpenVMS 7.3 --- access to a HP Visualize B132L+ RISC on Linux
Operating system: Debian GNU/Linux 3.0
Quota: NO. But one file can be max ~12 MB. (no ISO-Images-Protection).
Internet connection: DSL: 768 kbit down, 128 kbit up.
Services/programs: bash, csh, tcsh. Homepage PHP4 + MySQL. All popular linux software + compilers. Webmail-Interface + POP3
IRC access: Yes, BitchX etc.
Background processes allowed: Yes, =< 15 of them.
Other info: NO telnet, SSH only. The accounts are fully free and automatically generated. To verify only a postcard must be sent in. No money at all.


NicoNet 2000  

Last updated: 2003-03-11

Hardware: AMD K6-2 450MHz with 448MB of RAM and a 25GB HDD.
Operating system: Linux 2.4.
Quota: Varies. Based on reason(s) for shell usage.
Internet connection: Cable.
Services/programs: SSH, telnet, web space, e-mail space, webmail, FTP, c++, cpp, gcc, make, asm, grep, joe, pico, pine, elm, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, web site access stats (analog), tt++, tf, MySQL, top, ps, less, more, lynx, links, MUD Hosting, and much more. Will usually install requested software/libraries.
IRC access: Not at this time.
Background processes allowed: Yes.



Last updated: 1999-06-26

Hardware: 2 Sun SparcServer 2's, a Sun SparcServer 1+, a SparcServer 10 and a 586.
Operating system: SunOS 4.1.4 and Debian Linux
Quota: 500 kB in home directory, 2 MB in web directory.
Internet connection: T1 (1.5Mbps).
IRC access: Yes.
Background processes allowed: No.
Other info: Telnet to and log in as new. To get more than a preview account, then you need to be validated.



Last updated: 2003-09-25

Hardware: Intel Pentium 133Mhz CPU, 64MB RAM, 2.1GB HDD
Operating system: FreeBSD.
Internet connection: 128Kbit upstream cable connection
Services/programs: lynx, micq, games, photo album, articles column, etc.
IRC access: No. But will consider give to loyal and contributing users access in the future.
Background processes allowed: None.
Other info: This server is still under testing, so you might encounter occasional downtime.
Apologise for the inconvenience caused.



Last updated: 2002-08-18

Hardware: Pentium Celeron 733MHz with 512MB of RAM and 8GB of hard disk space.
Operating system: Red Hat Linux, Debian Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenVMS, OpenBSD, Solaris, Ultrix.
Quota: 10 MB.
Services/programs: FTP access, webspace, POP3/IMAP e-mail, WAP mail reader, MySQL access, Perl, PHP, etc.
IRC access: Yes.
Background processes allowed: Yes.


Prince - Free Shell  

Last updated: 2003-09-24

Hardware: Pentium 133 MHz , 16 MB RAM, 1.44 GB HDD.
Operating system: Slackware Linux.
Quota: 5 MB.
Internet connection: 384 kbit.
Services/programs: Only Eggdrop.
IRC access: Yes.
Background processes allowed: Yes, 1.
Other info: Limited to first 20 accounts. Purely only for those who can't spare money on pay shells and only Eggdrop are allowed.


RarePenguin Networks  

Last updated: 2003-11-03

Operating system: Linux.
Quota: 10 MB.
IRC access: Yes.
Background processes allowed: No.
Other info: bash shell, irssi (chat client), BitchX (chat client), epic (chat client), free web page.



Last updated: 2003-03-11

Operating system: Linux
Quota: 5 MB for home directory, 1 MB for mail.
IRC access: No.
Background processes allowed: No.
Other info: All access are logged on the system. If any suspicious behaviour is detected, the account will be closed immediately without prior notice. Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is allowed from the shell account with a normal client (BitchX). No bot, no bouncer or proxy is allowed on the system. When disconnected, the user cannot leave running processes in the system (no daemon, no detached programs). Only SSH connections are allowed to the system. You must change your password every 30 days. If the password has not been changed after this period, the account will be automatically blocked. Only one session at a time per use is allowed. After an inactivity timeout, all idle session are automatically closed.



Last updated: 2002-08-21

Hardware: x86.
Operating system: OpenBSD 3.1.
Quota: 10 MB.
Internet connection: ADSL 512kbit down/256kbit up.
Services/programs: Mail (Pine, Mutt, Mail), Personal Webspace (Perl/PHP), BitchX & normal utilities.
IRC access: Yes (BitchX only - screen allowed).
Background processes allowed: Yes, 1 (BitchX).
Other info: Due to high load and high amount of requests, we not longer provide shells for Eggdrop or Bouncers (any). The only background process you are allowed to run is BitchX screened. Compiler access is currently disabled, you are only to use the tools available to you above.
Packet Targets and Script Kiddie's are not welcome.


SDF Public Access TWENEX 

Last updated: 2003-04-10

Hardware: DEC KL-10B (PDP-10).
Operating system: TOPS-20 7.1(21733)-4.
Quota: 500 pages, +INF by request
Internet connection: Multihomed DS3.
IRC access: Yes.
Background processes allowed: Yes, users may DETACH JOBs and reATTACH to them as often as they like.


SDF Public Access UNIX System  

Last updated: 2003-04-10

Hardware: SDF is comprised of 9 systems, four are DEC Alpha dual processor CS20s and 5 DEC Alpha DS10Ls each with 3072MB of RAM each and a total of 764GB shared file storage.
Operating system: NetBSD.
Quota: 60MB for users, 300MB if you donate.
Internet connection: Multihomed DS3 connection.
Services/programs: Access to email (elm, mutt, pine, mailx) OR pop3. Mail Forwarding and AutoReply. Local chat (com, send, phone, bboard). Internet chat (talk, icq). Secure Connections via ssh1 or telnet. Choice of UNIX shell: (rc, sh, ash, csh, ksh, zsh, bash, sash, scsh, tcsh, teco, emacs, tclsh, monitor). Hundreds of shell utilities, games and programmes. Network utilities: ping, finger, whois, traceroute. Your URL:
IRC access: Yes, for a one time donation of $36 (our membership fee).
Background processes allowed: Memberships for muds, bbses and other servers are available.
Other info: SDF is one of the oldest and *is* the largest public access UNIX system in existence. SDF is a participant in NetBSD development. SDF is a non-profit organization 501(c)(7) which is supported by user contributions. We are the only public access UNIX system (aside from GREX) that has a large online community of users.. We have a group of wiccans, LISP hackers, teachers, students, religious fanatics, Swedes and Indonesians ;-) You can donate a one time fee ($36), and get access to rlogin, telnet, ftp, irc, tf, lynx, Usenet, compilers, majordomo, and you get a 300 MB quota (members can modify their quota).




Hardware: is made up of 8 computers, ranging from 486SX/25 to AMD K6-2 300.
Operating system: Linux.
Quota: 10 MB, but you can request more.
Internet connection: 56 Kbps modem.
Services/programs: The shell comes with email (POPable), web space, and FTP space if you need.
IRC access: Yes.
Background processes allowed: Yes, but need approval.
Other info: The shell account is on one of two machines. It is either on or is the primary shell machine. You will want/get an account on that machine, as long as you are not going to run any continious background processes (i.e. bots). is the machine that is used for background processes, and anything that could be considered enternating (muds, IRC).




Operating system: Debian Linux.
IRC access: Yes.
Background processes allowed: No.
Other info: Due to the enormous number of requests we've had for shell accounts we have to be selective on our members. Please email and state why you'd like to use the services available on this system - it has to be a good reason!


The Forest  

Last updated: 2003-09-09

Hardware: Intel Pentium 166 MHz with 128MB RAM and 30 GB hard disk space.
Operating system: Slackware Linux
Quota: 50 MB for /home, 10 MB for mail.
Internet connection: ADSL (768kbps down/128kbps up).
Services/programs: Connect via SSH2 only. A personal web page (including PHP4, SSI/CGI if needed). A directory in the anonymous FTP area. POP3 and Webmail access. Access to Pine, elm, Lynx, BX, IRCII, Micq, emacs, crontab, compilers...etc.
IRC access: Yes.
Background processes allowed: Yes, 4. (Bots, BNC are OK, but no high load processes).
Other info: The request form for shells on the homepage is most often closed, due to excessive demand. But it is open every once in a while, so you have to be on the lookout if you want a shell account there! High bandwidth usage is not permitted. Rules are strictly enforced (one warning only).


The Staging Grounds  

Last updated: 2003-07-04

Hardware: Assortment of lower end salvaged computers.
Operating system: SuSe 8.x
Quota: 50 MB.
Internet connection: T1.
Services/programs: Access to C/C++ compilers to compile MU*s.
IRC access: No.
Background processes allowed: Yes, MUX/MUD/MUSHs only.
Other info: This service is provided as a Free MU* host and nothing more. A detailed application must be sent and reviewed by a picky server admininstrator before accounts are granted.



Last updated: 2002-11-28

Hardware: Dual Pentium with 160 MB RAM.
Operating system: Linux / FreeBSD.
Quota: No quota (for now).
Internet connection: 1-2Mbit up/down.
Services/programs: pop3, imap, ssh, telnet, eggdrops, www etc.. most all and irc works! (own irc). and IPV6
IRC access: Yes.
Background processes allowed: Yes.
Other info: Webpages are in Finnish, but are being translated to English as well. There is also other shell system FREEBSD, so there is now at moment two shell systems. 

Last updated: 2003-04-10

Operating system: FreeBSD.
Services/programs: ircII, BitchX, webspace, mailing lists etc.
IRC access: Yes.
Other info: If you are a known person in South Africa, or if someone responsible can vouch for you, you may be given access.



Last updated: 2002-06-04

Hardware: AlphaServer 2100 4/275, 128Mb RAM.
Operating system: VMS.
Quota: 10 MB disk space, 2 interactive processes.
Internet connection: ADSL, 512 Kbit up/1Mbit down.
Services/programs: Check
webpage for detailed information.
IRC access: Available on request, but accounts not granted solely for this purpose.
Background processes allowed: By arrangement and depending on the process to be run.



Last updated: 2003-07-04

Hardware: Pentium MMX 200@225 with 64 MB of RAM.
Operating system: Linux.
Quota: None.
Internet connection: Cable 512/128.
Services/programs: SSH and SSH-tunneling.
IRC access: No.
Background processes allowed: Yes.
Other info: This server is only for SSH-tunneling. If you want account contact with ICQ. Tell in message the username and password that you want.


Free shell providers are very hard to find. When you find one, they often turn out to cost a little anyway or they don't provide you what you are looking for. People who are looking for a shell provider for a bot or a screen will probably not find a solution here. Shell providers don't like bots and screens. They slow down the whole system and are therefore expensive. It can even be hard to find a payed shell provider that lets you run bots or screens, others just limit the amount of these.

A free shell provider usually provides a few megs free space for something, there is actually not much you can do with these. Some provide webspace but it is recommended to choose a free webspace provider (from the
[Free Webspace] section, as these providers give you more space and better bandwidth. Rights to run CGI scrips are not provided by free shell providers usually.

After this information you should ask yourself why you need a free shell provider. If you want to update your page in unix with an editor, you want a free shell but else there really isn't too much use of these, but just to convince you all out there looking for a free shell, here we go!

Telnet: Their telet address.
Space: The amount of space they give you.
Webpage: Space can be used for webpages.
Address: Address to webspace if given.
Bots/screens: Lets you run bots/screens on this account.
Provider: Name+link to the provider.
Comments: Comments by the webmaster/visitors/users/other sources.







500 Kb

Lynx, e-mail, webpage, BBS, party, and other UNIX programs that do not access the Internet"



Made for communicating with other people, ONLY?




"blekko's goal is to provide universal, convenient access to useful and historically interesting command-line tools through the ubiquitous telnet interface"



E-mail (10 Mb), webpage (5 Mb), a lot of Unix common tools, ftp, http, perl, c compiler...



Registration form can be found here!






No networking commands without verification.


for example pine, elm, irc clients, news readers, web browsers, ftp programs, compilers for numerous languages


Free linux shell with multiple 56k modem connections. Located in Western Australia.






It's commercial, but you can earn credits by sending users to their webpage. 50 clickthru's/month is enough for a Lite shell.



web space, email, postgreSQL, PHP, screen, eggdrop + much more


Check it out! You can have one eggdrop running on a 1.5MBps DSL Connection. To sign up, mail the author (situation 27.09.2002)


5 Mb

Lynx, e-mail, webspace, CGI-BIN, compile C programs...



Other pages say they offer free shells, commercial egghelp is available.

1 Mb

Lynx, e-mail, webpage (no graphics), IRC=$



No IRC for non-paying users.

2 Mb

e-mail, Lynx, news, SSH, WebMail, webpage with SSI and cgi etc.



They have a lot of services, running bots will cost but not much

5 Mb

Webspace (no ads), e-mail, "full access"


"We allow 1 warez, porno, business hosting or resell of space" - Seems to be great!





Not english, 20.03.2000:signup page not working correctly.




Freeport BBS

Only the non-networked shell is free...






They don't process your signup.


5 Mb

Lynx, webpage, e-mail... A LOT!



They offet a lot, seems promising!

2 Mb

e-mail, webpage, etc.

Not actually


20.03.2000: No new logins at the moment


3 Mb

BitchX, lynx, telnet, e-mail, no webspace (yet)...

On request


To get a shell you must sign up to an other place/click on banners. Contact the provider if you want a bot.


5 Mb

Compilers (gcc, cc, etc.), IRC (BitchX & irssi), E-mail (Webmail & Pine), Usenet News (Tin), MUDs (via Telnet), A basic shell (bash), Eggdrops, BNCs...



Allows a lot but they do not provide access for you to run an XDCC, Shoutcast, IRCds or any other bandwidth-hogging service, or resource intensive service. You also may not run more then 3 BG's at a time.





22.01.2000: Link not working

Home:100 kb Web: 500 kb

Lynx, ,news, webpage (/~yourlogin), e-mail

On request


Great services but a small shell.





20.03.2000: Has been hacked, will be back soon...

10 Mb

Several, including irc, webpage and e-mail


SDF Lonestar

Provided free space for bots, but used too much resources.


Lynx, IRC, Email, Usenet News, MUDs etc.



Unfortunately they had problems because of hackers but they really fixed the problem in a great way! Highly recommended! Low-cost solutions also available.


5 Mb

Mud/mush/talker related...



For persons that want to run a mud, mush or a talker ONLY!



E-mail, SSH, IRC, MUDs, MUSHs & MOOs, News, Webapace, lynx etc



Mail them telling them why you need the account and you will get one.


pine,precompiled eggdrop, SSH, Generic Virtual Hosts etc.


Titanix servers

Seems to be great!


10 Mb

Webmail, Pop3, webspace, pine, elm, Lynx, BX, IRCII, Micq, crontab, compilers, etc


The Forest

24.05.2001: No new logins at this moment.

1 Mb

E-mail, mail forwarding, local chat, internet chat, ssh, several unix shell types, several shell utilities, networking utilities etc.






22.02.2000: Links on the webpage do not work.

15 Mb

Lynx, E-mail, webspace, irc, telnet, ftp ...



Telnet and login as new


Not reviewed free shell providers: