European Seminar "Communication Technologies in Guiding and Scouting"
was held in Paimio, Finland 20-26.10.2001. About 27 scouts from different
European countries of the world have been participating the seminar
and an Armenian scout was among them. The aim of the seminar was to
develop new ideas for better relationship between guides and scouts
using communication technologies. Each day had a specific topic like
"Scouting in future", "Media", "Mobile", "Scouting today" and of course
for the closing of the seminar each had to present his personal plan
of action. During the week participants had an opportunity to visit
the Museum of Electricity in Paimio, Scout Museum in Turku and one of
the brightest representatives of New Technologies - The factory of NOKIA
Telephones. For the opening of the seminar participants had an "International
Evening" during which each represented his organization and his country
(with traditional food, drinks, songs, dances and games). For the closing
of the wonderful week all participants were given Certificates for attending
the European seminar ""Communication Technologies in Guiding and Scouting".

August 2001 in the training center "Nor Berd" a yearly national jamboree
took place. Lot of children from all regions of Armenia came here. Children
were glad to join the jamboree arrangement works. There were organized
a lot of different activities directed on the development of child's
personality. Guides took part in various sport competitions, games.Also
there were organized several activities on development of tourist skills.
The directors of the jamboree and leaders are not scared of holding
experiments and this year didn't become an exception. The project "Yes
for children" was also discussed and the guides took active part in
After the long day of work children could have a rest during their evening
program. Here they could express their talents in singing, dancing,
This year we had guests from Denmark. Lea Busk Klausen and Annemette
Hommel had been living with us only for three days and it was enough
for them to make friends with leaders and girls. There was done a lot
of work. The guests could meet with the representatives of the different
committees and discuss interesting questions. Armenian guides were very
glad to accept such guests and we think we're hospitable to them.
As always the children parted reluctantly. But the new year comes and
new parties will have place.

July in Prague, Czech a regular European Conference took place. The
representatives of all European countries came here. The CIS countries
didn't become the exception too. Armenian delegation was presented by
two participants the chairman of NAGGGS Gohar Mkhitaryan and the National
Commissioner Amalya Mkhitaryan. It was the first time for Armenia to
participate in the Conference.
One of the points in the agenda was the re-election of European Bureau.
Armenian delegation had warm meetings with the representatives of other
associations and they had a chance to discuss some more questions with
French guides, Bulgarian Guides etc. Also they met with Danish Guides
(KFUK). During the meetings the representatives of two associations
worked out the strategy for future and on the closing ceremony the bilateral
agreement was signed.

Redford, the president of WAGGGS and Stella Erricson responsible for
the CIS countries (European Bureau) visited Armenia in June 18th - 21st.
The aim of their trip was the acquaintance with a structure of NAGGGS,
its development in general. There were organized several trips round
the regions of Armenia. The guests had chance to visit the branches
of NAGGGS in Abovyan, Bureghavan, Sisian, Jermuk and Verin Dvin. The
meetings with Ginny Redford and Stella Erricson raised great enthusiasm
in leaders and guides. There were discussed many different questions
and points concerning the growth of the organization, the program and
public relations.
Also there were hold meetings with local representations of the government
in Jermuk, Sisian, Bureghavan,. They marked the contribution of guiding
in the development of international ships.
Meetings on a high level also took place. The President of NAGGGS Gohar
Mkhitaryan and the president of WAGGGS Ginny Redford called up the Ministry
if Education and met with the first assistant of the minister Aida Topuzyan.
They spoke about the situation with modern education in Armenia, about
joint projects with other women organizations. Also there were organized
meetings with the first assistant of Minister of Justice Gevorg Malkhasyan,
the chairman of YNC Manvel Badalyan, the chairman of Women Council Nora
Hakobyan and with the assistant of Yerevan city mayor Firdus Zakaryan.

seminar devoted to the new public involvement in Scouting and Guiding
was held in Budapest from 21st to 27th of May. Representatives from
more than 20 countries took part in the seminar. Besides Armenia, from
the former Soviet Republics were Belarus and Ukraine. There were guests
as well.
The work was held both in small groups - patrols, where separate items
were discussed, and in common plenaries, where participants exchanged
ideas and came to conclusions. At the beginning the benefits of scouting
were defined and approaches and methods were discussed. Then plans were
made on subregional levels, and unfamiliar with scouting persons were
invited and these plans were implemented in real experiments.
The seminar was organized very well and the Council of Europe did its
best to provide the success of it. The seminar was held in warm ambiance
and was useful in terms of exchange of experience and obtaining of new

Conference for those responsible for the non-formal education of young
people and leaders training in National Associations was held from 14-18
March 2001, Rome, Italy. During the Conference the participants had
a chance to exchange their experience and good practice in identifying
the main challenges and perspectives in the field of leaders' training
and educational programme.
Taking part in this fantastic thinking process was a great opportunity
to look for new ideas and solutions. The event was a useful platform
to find the "identity" of the educational programme and leaders' training
provided in Guiding.
January 19-23, 2001 Barbara Calvi member of WAGGGS Europe Committee
called on Armenia with the working visit. The aim of the visit was the
evaluation of the development of the National Association of Girl Guides
and Girl Scouts of Armenia (NAGGGS) "Astgik".
During the visit she had an opportunity to meet the guide groups and
their leaders in several branches of Armenia. Here she got acquainted
with work of branches on local levels. Also in one of the marzes (Gegarkunik)
she took part in the presentation training.
There was organized the meeting with the National Council of the Association,
where questions concerning the membership of WAGGGS were discussed.
They spoke about the performed work of NAGGGS "Astgik" as well as its
problems and needs. The chat also included the discussion of plans on
A meeting with the vice chairman of the parliament committee on Education
and Youth was one of the important moments of the visit in general.
Also Barbara Calvi had a meeting with the president of Women Council
of Armenia.
In the result of these meetings there were achieved some agreements
on co-operation and mutual aid.
The press conference held in the Armenpress center was the summing up
session of Barbara Calvi's visit.
All mass media of Armenia threw light upon the press-conference.
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